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Heinz – Too Good to Leave Behind
The challenge
Create a campaign to remind Brits of their profound affection for one of its iconic products.
What we did
Since 1909, Heinz Beinz has remained a beloved staple in British households and just like Heinz’s global platform, it is safe to say there is an “Irrational Love” for Beanz. We created “Too Good to Leave Behind” to remind consumers that Beanz really does Meanz Heinz, tapping into the emotional connection consumers have with Heinz products.
We saw examples of this ‘irrational love’ for Heinz Beanz when we discovered newspaper articles reporting that Brits were having tins of beans confiscated at airport security. Furthermore, it was reported Ringo Starr of the Beatles famously packed two suitcases for a trip to India, one filled with clothes, and the other entirely dedicated to tins of Heinz Beanz. With these instances of true displays of irrational love, we took the opportunity to celebrate everyone’s obsession with Heinz Beanz.
“Too Good to Leave Behind” debuts with a film unfolding the heartfelt, comical story of a British traveler who finds himself overseas on holiday, separated from his cherished beans. It begins with the protagonist desolately waiting at an airport baggage carousel, only to be left bereft. He is inconsolable, and continues weeping in various locations around the resort, until the revelation that his missing suitcase was filled to the brim with Heinz Beanz.
The campaign will run across the UK and Ireland across TV, VOD, CTV, cinema, digital and social media platforms. It is complemented by a nationwide out-of-home campaign that showcases the luggage of Brits brimming with tins of Heinz Beanz, strikingly captured by British-Polish photographer Kamila K Stanley. The out-of-home components will also run in arrivals and departures at London Heathrow Airport.
The effects
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