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W+K designer takes on giraffe mission

W+K London has been working with The International Exchange for a number of years, sending Wiedeners all over the world for a variety of good causes. This month, designer Xueling Wang is heading to Nambia to work with Giraffe Conservation Foundation.

Giraffe are in trouble. And not enough people are paying attention. Limited conservation research has been undertaken on giraffe throughout Africa and their numbers have plummeted by almost 40% over the past three decades.

GCF’s objective is to raise awareness, provide support and secure a future for giraffe, preserving their natural habitat. Xueling will help the organisation develop an overarching communications and fundraising strategy, focusing on World Giraffe Day – another exciting GCF initiative that celebrates the tallest animal on the longest day of the year on June 21.

To raise funds for the GCF, Xueling walked the streets of London wearing a frankly huge giraffe head, live streamed on Facebook. To find out more about Xueling’s mission and to donate (with all proceeds going to the GCF), please visit her Go Fund Me page here.

Every dream starts somewhere. Raheem Sterling’s began in Brent.

Every dream starts somewhere. Raheem Sterling’s began in the shadow of Wembley Stadium, in his home town of Brent. Since then, he has grown up to become a world-class footballer and a cultural icon. At 24, he’s already captained his country, while his voice is one of the loudest in speaking out against racism in football.

To celebrate what Raheem means to Brent, and what Brent means to him, Nike has emblazoned his story on the walls of his home town: five locations, five turning points in his life, five unique artworks. At each site, a plaque gives details on the challenges that faced Raheem and how he overcame them.

Scanning the plaque brings up a real-time map, revealing the locations of every mural so you can follow Raheem’s story throughout the streets of Brent.

The artwork was designed by Nike, Tomorrow Bureau and Wieden+Kennedy.

You can start following Raheem’s story at Nike London.
