We’re proud to be supporting Ad Net Zero, the UK advertising industry’s initiative to help respond to the climate crisis.

Headed by the Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA, the supporters met as a collective for the first time last month, in a meeting to drive the activation of the Ad Net Zero Action Plan:

1. Tracking, analysing and assisting the continued reduction of carbon emissions from ad
business operations, chaired by James Best, Credos
2. Reducing emissions from advertising productions, chaired by Stephen Woodford, Chief
Executive, Advertising Association
3. Reducing emissions from media choices, led by the IPA’s Media Futures Group
4. Greening up the industry’s awards and events, chaired by Rachel Aldighieri, Managing
Director, Data & Marketing Association
5. Using advertising’s positive Influence, chaired by Matt Bourn, Director of
Communications, Advertising Association

Check out more at here.