Wieden + Kennedy has been named Agency of the Year by key US trade mags Advertising Age and Creativity.

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"For the first time, Ad Age and Creativity are honoring the same top shop. And for good reason. When it came to bold idea-making and strong execution, nobody did it like this Portland, Ore.-based stalwart. Couple that with its newfound mettle in building strong client bonds and it won the business case, too."

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Creativity said:

"Creativity considers all agency types in its agency of the year selection process — digital, full service and everything in between — so only one top agency emerges from that multidisciplinary pile. But no agency can win without demonstrating a "digital" mindset in its work, and an overall fitness to thrive in a digital world. Wieden simply represented the best all-round agency, one that happened to distinguish itself by having the best digital campaign of the year."

These latest accolades come on top of what was a pretty amazing 2010 for W+K in terms of Agency and Campaign of the Year-type things. There's no way to list this stuff without sounding like a bunch of smug gits, but here goes:

– Campaign Network of the Year 2010 

– Adweek Agency of the Year 2010

– Advertising Age agency of the Year 2010 

– Creativity Agency of the Year 2010 

– SHOOT magazine Agency of the Year 2010

– Ranked by clients as UK’s #1 digital agency (Pitch / YouGov survey)

– Ranked by strategic planners as world’s #1 (equal) for planning

– Five out of the year’s top ten most-watched brand virals on YouTube

– Nike Write the Future named Campaign’s Campaign of the Year

– Three Grands Prix at Cannes Festival

– Top prize at Campaign Big Awards for Nike

– Top prize at Epica Europe Awards for Nokia

– Top Prize at One Show Interactive for Nike


Creativity quotes founder Dan Wieden as follows:

"In any company you go through a period of thinking, this is not like the good old days," Mr. Wieden said. "Well, the good old days were never as good as this last year."

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