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bloody honda bikers

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'Blood Bikes' (below) is a new addition to our series of short films about people and their Hondas. We developed these as part of Honda's sponsorship of documentaries on C4. Shorter idents run on C4 and the full length films can be viewed on Honda's YouTube channel. There are quite a few now:

Screen shot 2011-10-03 at 09.25.12
And there is other related content at the Honda Stories Hub, like night riding tips: 
Riding tips
We're looking for Honda-owning volunteers to take part in the final one of these films.

How do you use your Honda? Have you turned your Civic into an ice cream van? Or perhaps you use your hedge trimmer to create outlandish creatures? Whatever your story, if it’s unexpected, and just a little bit daft, we’d like to hear it.

Simply visit the site here, upload a photo or two, (or a video if you’re feeling adventurous), accompanied by a brief description of what you and your Honda get up to. We’ll turn our favourite story into a mini documentary online, and also create TV snippets for our Channel 4 and More 4 documentary sponsorship. Closing date for entries is this week, so you'll have to be quick.

Here's the 'Blood Bikes' film:

We love the Guardian book season

Last weekend the Guardian and Observer launched their book season with a campaign created by us. And it's just everywhere…. 

On the tube:


The books don't bend, obviously, it's the panels that do.

Wrapping around the Guardian Review and Observer New Review:


On the masthead every day:


It's also on the radio with Bill Nighy and in the paper with many brilliant promotions. This week: a free John leCarre audio download every day, the demand for which gave AudioGo's server a little bit of exercise. Next week: CDs of all your favourite childhood stories and a celebration of Dickens' bicentenary; a bit of advertising for free there.

At the heart of the season is the big Book Swap in which 15,000 books have been released around the country for people to find, read, review and share again. We produced some bookplate stickers to stick in the participating books. If you didn't get yours in the paper you can download one from the website.

Inside bit.

Outside bit.

It has, as Ben Terrett would say, 'blown up the twitter'. Plenty of people taking part and tweeting where they've left their books. A sweet one here:

Thanks to whoever left Jane Eyre on the 38 bus. You probably wanted it to go to a sweet young lady, but I'll have to do. #guardianbookswap
And one that complements the work so OBVIOUSLY we'll share it:
Love the guardian books ads, beautifully bright. And I'm getting straight on t'internet to find out about #guardianbookswap

So, get involved at guardian.co.uk/bookswap or #guardianbookswap. Take a picture of your own book swap and post to the flickr page. Lots of people have:
And finally, it's even been reported on Russian news.

Lots more to come. Buy the Guardian and Observer this weekend (obviously) and for the next few weeks to find out what.

