Wieden + Kennedy’s Nike Chalkbot rides again
Wieden +Kennedy’s 2010 cyberlion-winning (ahem) Nike Chalkbot is back in action at the Tour de France for phase two.
Wieden +Kennedy’s 2010 cyberlion-winning (ahem) Nike Chalkbot is back in action at the Tour de France for phase two.
The W+K team – Adam Heathcott, Chris Hutchinson, Marco Kaye, Marcelino Alvarez,
Ryan Bolls – is over there now, and news from the front is good:
“The 'bot has been running great over the past 48 hours, printing and capturing
close to 1000 messages a day printing 2-3km of road. Online support has
been fantastic. The Livestrong community absolutely adores the Chalkbot. They
flip out whenever photos get posted to Facebook, and we’ve added about 1500
Twitter followers. The team has received tweets and messages from Lance
& Levi on Team Radio Shack, Doug Ulman, the Livestrong CEO, actors like
Matthew McConaughey and Zack from Saved By The Bell, other folks like Drew
Carey, Chris Sacca, Ben Harper, and Tony Hsieh of Zappo’s, big time athletes
like Larry Fitzgerald and Kevin Garnett, and even the voice of the Tour, Phil
Liggett…and the quality of the messages we received this year has been
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the SAME DAY! (Here's the other one again.)