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Nokia N8 ad innovators: the dancing robots

Wieden + Kennedy’s new campaign for the Nokia N8 celebrates the hackers, modders and innovators who take Nokia technology and do cool and surprising things with it.

Nokia robot
Our new campaign for the Nokia N8 celebrates the hackers, modders and innovators who take Nokia technology and do cool and surprising things with it. You can see the TV spot in the post below. Each of the projects featured in the TV ad is real. Here's the story behind another one – the Nokia N82-powered dancing robot. Robots are cool. Mobiles are cool. What could be cooler than a mobile-powered dancing robot?

And here are Ji-Dong Yim's Nokia robot phones performing in a music promo for LA-based band LMFAO.

Mobiles fashioned into men: it's the rise of the robots!

TV spot for the new Nokia N8 (and the story of the hamster-powered charger)

New TV spot from wieden + kennedy to support the launch of the Nokia N8.

This TV spot is one part of a new global integrated campaign by Wieden + Kennedy (and a team of other agency partners) to support the launch of the Nokia N8. The projects showcased in the post are all real, including the hamster-powered phone charger. Here's some more info on it:


You can preorder the N8 here.
