ashes won, recession over: welcome to optimism!
A surge in confidence among business professionals indicates Britain's recession is at an end, according to research reported in The Guardian today.
among professionals in the third quarter hit its highest level since
the start of the financial crisis two years ago, the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) said.
confidence measure jumped to 4.8 at the end of June from -28.2 in March
– the biggest improvement since the survey began in 2003. The institute
predicts that the economy will grow by 0.5% this quarter, breaking five
quarters of falling output.
ICAEW chief executive Michael Izza said the findings suggest that "the UK recession is at an end".
Coupled with euphoria after England won the Ashes last night, the news fuelled gains on the London stockmarket this morning.