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Are all supermarkets the same?

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At the cinema today there was an ad in the break for Asda (above). The ad was something to do with making the most of summer, which I was doing by sitting in the cinema on a sunny day. Asda are now using the same strapline as their Walmart parent brand does in the USA.

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Which is kind of similar to Target's positioning.

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A couple of minutes later in that cinema ad break, a Sainsbury's ad popped up. It was something to do with making the most of summer. Sainsbury's are still saying, 'Live well for less."

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Live well for less.

Save money, live better.

What's the diff? I fully expect a new Morrisons campaign to launch with the slogan, "Pay less, live more."

Ad slogans are the least of their issues, but is it any wonder UK retailers are struggling to bring meaningful differentiation to their brands?

RB appoints Wieden+Kennedy on Nurofen

RB, the global consumer health, hygiene and home company, has appointed Wieden+Kennedy on the Nurofen business globally after a review process which included McCann Erickson and incumbent, Havas.

Roberto Funari, Executive Vice President global category development, says ‘We are delighted that Wieden+Kennedy will be partnering with us on this key brand.  The quality of the strategic and creative thinking we have seen throughout the review has been superb”.
