Welcome to Optimism

Welcome to Our New Site

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If you’ve visited www.wklondon.com in the past, you’ll probably notice something distinctly different as of today.

We’re proud to announce the newly redesigned version of W+K London Online, featuring an upgraded look, more of our work and information about our people and our culture.

We invite you to have a look around, explore, and let us know what you think. Enjoy, and Happy Browsing!

Talking Creativity and Risk in the Latest Issue of shots

Our ECDs Tony Davidson and Iain Tait, along with Creative Director Scott Dungate, are featured in this month’s issue of shots as part of a round-up of shots Awards winners from 2015.

The ‘Agency of the Year’ Q&A with Tony and Iain features the two talking about London as one of the world’s creative capitals, attracting fresh talent to advertising, and creating work described as “unformulaic.” An excerpt:

W+K’s shortlisted work covers quite a broad range — interactive, social, and film — is that mix something the agency specifically aims for?

Tait — I don’t think it’s a conscious thing. We just look for interesting, appropriate and creatively exciting ways to solve problems for our clients. I think the only type of work we actively discourage is the fakey stuff that’s specifically aimed at awards shows.

Davidson — We have a ‘Wiedenism’ in our lobby that says ‘Walk in Stupid.’ This points to the fact that whatever business problem walks into the building, there’s no set way of solving it. In today’s world there are so many options as to how you might solve that problem that it is important you and your clients keep an open mind and don’t immediately jump to conclusions about anything, especially media.  
