Changing Rooms at Positive East
We recently gave our very best Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen impression as we resurrected ‘90s TV classic Changing Rooms for a special project with Positive East, which does fantastic work offering support for individuals and communities affected by HIV.
Our very own Ronny Harmes led the project and worked with a raft of generous suppliers who helped out with cleaning, maintenance, transport and decorating supplies so we could give Positive East’s community centre a much-needed makeover.
Addison Lee donated vans to help us ferry furniture and paint around while K&S cleaners and security company Guarding UK cleaned the carpets and windows. DBMS painted, put up shelves and cleared the place of rubbish. The Wieden+Kennedy London team also rolled up their sleeves to help give the community centre a new lease of life.
For phase two of the project, we’re renovating the communal and kids’ areas with the help of architects Sarah and Martin Griffiths and interior designers JackDaw Studio. They’ve provided us with a new plan of the areas and brand new lighting, flooring, and pots and plants.
A huge thanks to all of those that donated their time, supplies and services to such a special project.
Find out more about Positive East’s fantastic work here.