Paddy x 100
Why would you draw your partner 100 times? W+K art director Mark’s answer is simple: Because he’s there. Beside me. Every day. All the time. And so Mark set himself the goal of drawing his copywriter life partner Paddy every day for 100 days.
A 100 Days Project, for those who don’t know, is a simple project that requires you to do something creative every day for 100 days. For Mark it was a way to practice drawing every day and a personal challenge to see how many different illustrative styles he could (attempt to) master.
Now that the project is complete Mark and his muse Paddy have put each one on display in it’s own individual iPhone on the Wieden+Kennedy staircase where you can place little red heart stickers next to your favourite. It’s like Instagram, but on a backstairs in East London.
Can’t make it to the Wieden+Kennedy staircase? Worry not, you can see all 100 Paddys here.