Big in Berlin
A copy of Germany’s PAGE magazine recently made its way across our desks, with a sweet mention of our recent work for Maynards Bassetts (“A Tasty Intermission“).
In addition to featuring stills from the “Very British” campaign, PAGE had this to say about our series of intermissions (roughly translated from the original German text):
That a lot of grownups really like fruit gummies is well known. It is exactly this audience that this unusual campaign from Wieden+Kennedy London for Maynards Bassetts speaks to. The [creative] brief to a variety of Directors and Animators read: “Create an intermission full of sweet madness which is as colourful as the sweets themselves.” [The campaign consists of] 12 completely different spots lasting 20 seconds featuring fitness scenes and shapeless, elastic shoes, and the rituals of a bizarre tribe offering up fruit gummies. All films are available to watch from the production company blinkink.
Danke, PAGE, for featuring the work.