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Business Insider has just published a list of the most creative women in advertising and Wieden+Kennedy’s Susan Hoffman and Colleen De Courcy take the top two places.

The article explains:

“Advertising is still an industry dominated by men. Women hold just 30% of leadership positions in the ad world, according to data from Institute of Practitioners in Advertising. Initiatives like The 3% Conferenceand SheSays have helped to highlight and perhaps partially remedy the problem, but there’s still no doubt that women are under-represented. That’s why each year we put out a call for entries for our annual rankings for the most creative women in Adland. From these nominations, paired with our own research, we selected 30 of the most impressive women in advertising. Factors we considered included recognition within the industry, seniority in their respective agencies, size of the shop, and standout creative work that’s garnered attention outside of the advertising world.”

And in putting Susan and Colleen at the top of the table, Business Insider says:

Colleen DeCourcy and Susan Hoffman oversee all the ads that come from Wieden + Kennedy’s eight offices worldwide.

In 2015, W+K won “Agency of the Year” at the Shots awards and Digital Agency of the year at the Campaign Big Awards, for which the pair must take a decent slice of the credit. Recent campaigns include Bud Light’s Super Bowl campaign, The Bud Light Party, a fun jazz-era spot for Dodge, and a Grammys spot for Delta

DeCourcy joined Wieden + Kennedy in 2013 after leaving Socialistic — a social-media agency she launched herself. DeCourcy previously outed herself as the author of “Confessions of a Female Ad Exec,” where she cited examples of sexism at different points in her career.

Hoffman, on the other hand, has been at Wieden + Kennedy for more than 30 years, joining the agency as employee No. 8.

Congrats also to Ruth Bellotti, art director at W+K Portland, who is in the charts at number 20.

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