Wieden+Kennedy tops YouTube Creative Agency leaderboard – again
To celebrate the creative agencies that produced the best online video content of the year, YouTube compiles an annual Creative Agency Leaderboard, based on the agencies that landed the most ads on their monthly lists of the world's most viewed and shared ads.
In the ranking just published for 2015, Wieden+Kennedy comes number one in the world, with eight ads on the list.
Top spot of the year was FIFA 16 'Play Beautiful' by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam.
Awesome result! And it continues a winning run for Wieden+Kennedy of YouTube hits on the annual rankings.
In 2014 four out of the world's top ten – including the top two – were by W+K, and W+K again was #1 on the creative agency rankings.
In 2013 three out of the UK's top ten were by W+K.
And back in 2012 “One agency showed its endless ability to make viewing gold – Wieden + Kennedy had seven ads on the list including the top spot,” said Business Insider.