pictures of people taking pictures of people
The latest exhibition to feature in our stairwell gallery is a series of photographs by one of our creatives, Jason Scott, very cleverly titled 'Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People'.
It's pretty self-explanatory, you see. They're Jason's pictures of people taking pictures of other people. And that's what makes them so very brilliant. To coin a new phrase (or maybe not), it's tourism-anthro-voyeurism.
Here's a bit more about the project, in Jason's own words:
"Pictures of People Taking Pictures of People explores the way people interact with each other when they pose for photos. Well, that's how I've post-rationalised it.
All images were discreetly taken on an iPhone 4 so as not to disturb anyone or ruin their snaps.
Like an urban David Attenborough, I wanted to capture people acting as naturally as possible. And avoid arrest."
We're pleased to say that Jason has thus far avoided arrest. Phew!
You can see more online and there's a zine and exhibition to follow. And if you're on Instagram, the awesome #PicturesOfPeopleTakingPicturesOfPeople tag will point you towards more of Jason's discoveries.