At the University of California, Berkley, Professor Daniel Fletcher and his team had an idea that now helps to save lives. They took a microscope, a Nokia phone, and put them together. They call it the CellScope.

At the University of California, Berkley, Professor Daniel Fletcher and his team had an idea that now helps to save lives. They took a microscope, a Nokia phone, and put them together. They call it the CellScope. A super-portable microscope imaging device, perfect for diagnosing diseases in remote areas in developing world countries. Images of cell samples can be captured then sent by MMS anywhere in the world for instant analysis. Brilliant. The CellScope is featured in our new Nokia N8 launch campaign , which showcases some of the innovative things people have done using Nokia tech, and the you can see Dot, the world's smallest-ever stopmotion animation character, in our film shot using a Nokia N8 and CellScope technology here.