Wieden + Kennedy planning ‘best in world’, say world’s planners
The results of The Planner Survey 2010 are in. And the planners have spoken: W+K’s planning department is the best in the world.
The results of The Planner Survey 2010 are in. And the planners have spoken: W+K's planning department is the best in the world, sharing that top spot with BBH. The survey was completed by 1500 strategists from round the world, working across a range of different types of agency. Full results are available here.
The survey covers pay, job satisfaction and a number of other topics useful for planners looking to either feel smug about how well-paid they are in comparison to their peers, or alternatively demand a raise.
Respondents were also asked, 'In your opinion, which one agency has the strongest planning group?'
1. = W+K
1. = BBH
3. CPB
4. Goodby Silverstein & Partners
5. JWT
6. Fallon
7. Anomaly
8. Ogilvy
Well done BBH and, of course, massive congratulations to our very own strategic geniuses. You rule. Research proves it.