This morning, office manager Nat passed on this email from our neighbours:

This afternoon a pale yellow budgie appeared within
3rd floor Commercial Street facing flat within The
Cloisters… Very people friendly – it’s made itself at home
& is now
being safely cared for by one of our residents! Have you or anyone in your block/street lost such a
today? If so please reply to The Cloisters email
& we’ll put you in
touch. Equally if you know someone who keeps budgies – who
may not
have yet realised the loss – please advise.
Regards – Hilary @ The
Then this afternoon W+K's answer to Ace Ventura, Helen Foulder bumped into the budgie's owner putting
up a 'lost' poster opposite our offices.  The budgie has now been returned

If we've achieved nothing else
today we're responsible
for the safe return of this little fella. His name is Squorkie.

Our work here has been good.

Owner Hilary at the Cloisters says, “The level of concern and
the amount of help received in getting the little chap back home 
certainly restores one’s faith in human kind!”