The people in wieden + kennedy’s Nokia Ovi Maps navigation campaign (see below) aren’t actors. They’re real people who had someone or somewhere they wanted to get to and connect with. Here are their stories.

The people in our Nokia Ovi Maps navigation campaign (see below) aren't actors. They're real people who had someone or somewhere they wanted to get to and connect with. We wanted to get across the idea that this was something that would help everyone, everywhere in the world to find their way. So we decided to feature a very diverse group of people, with very different ways of getting from A to B. Here are their stories.


Moncycle blurb

Kerry pics

Hetty pics

Hetty blurb

Hetty's shoes

Ibrahim pics
Ibrahim blurb 

Ibrahim's elephant

Jeddah pics
Jeddah boyds blurb
Jeddah car

Dean pics

Deam blurb
Dean's lambretta

Mr Wu pics

Mr Wu blurb
Mr Wu's rickshaw
John pics
John blurb

John's rickshaw
Fore more info, see:,,,

And to download Ovi Maps free to your Nokia, visit Ovi Store.