mad scientists’ convention (continued)
More news from our mini-tech convention here in san francisco yesterday.
More news from our mini-tech convention here in san francisco yesterday.
James Sears showed us his remarkable Orb. Totally
fascinating and magical.
My tech understanding isn't up to explaining The Orb other than to say it's a spinning disc with light-emitting displays along its edge which, when revolving at speed, has the appearance of a glowing globe on which images can be displayed.
Benjamin Cowden is a kinetic sculptor who lives in the bay area and focuses on interactive, mechanical work. He was a blacksmith for seven
years and he had brought along his steampunk cocktail preparation robot.You can see more info about him and his work at
Renny samples the Corpse Reviver cocktail.
If you're interested in this sort of stuff, and you're in the SF area, then you can attend the upcoming Maker Faire.