Helsinki contingent

Back row L-R: Gene, Nev, Javier, Alex, Ralph. Front row: Daisy and David.

Members of the Wieden + Kennedy Nokia team have now been stuck in Helsinki since the middle of last week as a result of icelandic volcanic ash-related transport chaos across Europe. We're trying to keep our spirits up, but a few days more of this and we'll probably start killing and eating each other.


Srijib from W+K Delhi.

Srijib's visa has run out, so he's hoping to be deported ASAP.

Daisy and nev
Daisy and Nev.


Alex bringing much-needed basic supplies to the team.
Your own correspondent, Neil C.

A random choir.

These guys appeared and started serenading people in a bar in which we happened to be sheltering from falling toxic ash.