We are very excited to announce the launch of Carpe Diem. It’s a project we at Wieden + Kennedy London have worked on with Nokia and in partnership with The School of Life. A series of daily tasks, which helps you do something new every day.


We are very excited to announce the launch of Carpe Diem.  

It’s a project we at Wieden + Kennedy London have worked on with Nokia and in partnership with The
School of Life.
A series of daily tasks, which helps you do something new every
day. The kind of little tasks that get our imaginations going, make some
memories and get us learning a bit more about ourselves and the world around

The tasks range from the thought-provoking to the
spontaneous and light hearted, some even have little rewards to help you on
your way and give you a nudge in the right direction. Follow all the daily suggestions
and by the end of the year you'll have done all sorts: from the delights of
having a ‘hygge’, to partaking in some random acts of kindness, and dabbling in
a spot of poetry.

How To Take Part:

Launched today, and running for a whole year, you can get
started by visiting the website: carpediemdaily.com or if you're a
Nokia user, by downloading the app from the Ovi Store by Nokia: It’s 100% free and
easy to install.

How Does It Work?

1. Carpe Diem will send you a daily lesson.
Ranging from the thought provoking to the light-hearted,
these might take the form of a dose of wisdom, a witty insight,
interesting fact or motivational challenge.

2. Each lesson will
come with an easy-to-complete task.

Tasks will usually invite you to capture and share a moment of your life
by snapping a photo, contributing a few lines of text or posting a
short video.

Picture 1

3. Upload your contribution to your personal Carpe Diem Daily page.
Keep track of your daily submissions and check out what other
members of the Carpe Diem community have submitted at carpediemdaily.com

Take part in the tasks every day and your life will change (for the
better, more fulfilled sort we hope) and the handy thing is that Carpe Diem
Daily comes in app form, so you can get the tasks straight to your phone. For
the Nokia-less amongst you – fear not, you can still take part and share all your
life-changing actions with the rest of the world.

Here’s what’s happened when we did a test-run of one of the tasks in the
agency earlier:


It has been proven that people who hug and cuddle more live longer than
those who don't. Extend your life and have a cuddle with someone you love. Take
a photo.