Today is the start of Fairtrade Fortnight 2010, ‘The Big Swap’, where instead of buying your usual stuff you buy Fairtrade stuff instead. And hopefully keep buying it. Wieden + Kennedy developed The Big Swap concept for this year’s fortnight so as to make encompassing Fairtrade into your life as easy as possible.

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is the start of Fairtrade Fortnight 2010, 'The Big Swap’, where instead
of buying your usual stuff you buy Fairtrade stuff instead. And
hopefully keep buying it. We developed The Big Swap concept for this
year’s fortnight so as to make encompassing Fairtrade into your life
as easy as possible. 

You may have noticed there’s been loads of noise about it recently with
big brands converting some of their products – Cadbury Dairy Milk, 4
finger Kit Kat, Sainsbury's bananas and own-label tea and coffee or, all
their range – Ben & Jerry’s, Green & Blacks, Starbucks coffee.
There’s been a lot of editorial in the papers this weekend with the
Telegraph running a special on it, the Guardian with several articles
and  a mention in business section of the Times. Sales were up 12% last

It’s super-easy to get involved and we’d love your help to get to our targets of 1 million and 1 swaps made during Fortnight.

Step 1: if you work at a Fairtrade-friendly organisation, every time you
drink a tea or coffee there, use sugar, or some of the jams (this
counts). Or if you go to Starbucks, or AMT, or Sainsbury's or Co-op
amongst others, visit on the way in to work and buy Fairtrade produce.

Step 2:  go to and register that swap. You can accumulate these over the fortnight.

Step 3: change your purchasing habits and buy Fairtrade stuff instead
of your usual stuff. There are over 4500 products to choose from. Then
register them all.

If you want to know how Fairtrade works, look at this film, which
explains what’s what. This runs all over the web and will also be part
of a media first on Thursday: a Fairtrade-only ad break on Channel 4
alongside many of the licensees.

you're passing by the W+K Towers window (16 Hanbury Street, London E1) from Thursday you can enter the
competition in the window to swap your usual head for a Fairtrade
chocolate head. Or, if you can't wait that long you can don the 'I
swap' Twibbon or send your friends on Facebook a cup of tea.

Happy Swapping!