W2Optimism Looking forward to my 4.00am start tomorrow. Bring it on!


@W2Optimism – we've got another 2 hours here. BRING. IT.

Colman It's rehearsal time. @nicowen has the floor, client seems happy, although admittedly they're currently two empty cans of Coke.
from TweetDeck


Ah, those are the best times. Good luck with it, sir. Make sure you
don't do that thing that you sometimes do. You know. THAT thing.

in reply to Colman


Alarm goes off in 3.5 hours, but we're still here tweaking, so…yeah…erm…

Colman "I've got  a feeling…" playing on the radio. Cabbie and I are massaging each other. Low moment.

from Tweetie


i want to go f-ing home.


up early and bright-ish. off to stansted to catch pitchtastic ryanair flight.

W2Optimism Cab is 20 mins late so far. Magic start.


We're a man down already, lost in security. It's going to be an interesting day. About to take off…


man down, man down

doug_graeme @nicowen, @colman and @w2optimism et al all the best for the day. hoping that 4am start wasn't too painful…

W2Optimism Ac mgr anna refused boarding by ryanair. Possibly due to her large beret. Ryanair clearly trying to wreck our pitch.

VicksterSales @nicowen @colman, as my mum always says… "be fabulous'

Colman Landed. @w2optimism focussed. @nicowen deranged. All good.

helenfoulderAnd on a cheerier note @colman @nicowen @wkoptimism. Good luck chaps x

W2Optimism We appear to have landed in the snowy forests of narnia. trying to spot trolls from window of our transport – postman pat's van.

from Gravity

Picture 1
W2Optimism Reading charts in van. Feeling queasy.

W2Optimism Projector failure. Work still downloading. last minute deck amendments. Cutting it fine!

W2Optimism Pitch done. Team did well. @colman talked of 'the prehistoric brain'. Feedback hard to interpret with my brain. Fingers crossed.

W2Optimism Time for more fun with ryanair. Wonder if we'll all be allowed on the plane this time.

Colman Having a massive beer. To go with my massive black rings under my eyes. And my massive headache. Bosh.

doug_graeme @Colman I bet it's a shandy. At best, a top.

in reply to Colman


@doug_graeme – full strength beer, and I need it.

Fern_tastic @colman i believe in you

Colman Landed. My face has Ryanair carved into it.

W2Optimism the long day closes…