
Nice piece from Shots about wednesday night's launch of WK Platform.


into the creative classroom, 13 of the best, brightest and as yet
undiscovered minds from the four corners of the world have been plucked
from obscurity to take part in Wieden and Kennedy London's fully-
fledged talent hub Platform.

The new enterprise is aimed at drawing out young, hip and innovative
minds from the worlds of art, science and technology in a bid to inject
life and vigour into an industry constantly on the hunt for the curious
and the cutting edge.

the next six to nine months the thirteen 'formers' chosen from a pool
of 40 will be put through their paces, delving into an array of
business problem solving, working in isolation on specialist projects
and working in conjunction with W+K on live client briefs.

no guaranteed job at the end of the stint, many of the13 have left
prospective career opportunities, friends and families behind to move
to London and take part in this new 'experiment'.

Karalekas left a career as an art director in Oregon, in the United
States, to be a part of Platform. The 24 year old believes even if
there is no form of paid employment at the end of the course, working
for W+K means she's still got a golden ticket.

"It's kind of like dating the Johnny Depp of ad agencies, so you hope it's a good match but if it's not, you just keep going."

The Formers are occupying a newly renovated space next to the original W+K building in east London.

up such a training scheme with no set rules or outcomes in the midst of
a global recession might sound like an unorthodox approach for a
business but W+K London Executive Creative Directors Kim Papworth and
Tony Davidson say it's all part of breaking down traditional business

"Most companies who undergo an initiative like this will
be able to tell you precisely why. However we look on this more as a
'Dial-Up the Crazy' beta test. More chaos please, as that and not
process is what leads to true creativity."

So far, so good. The
first brief the Formers were given was to design and build a shape from
the platform logo in just one day and "the finished pieces were of a
very high standard", says Platform managing director Sam Brookes.

brains behind the scheme will be hoping the good results continue and
the combination of chaos and creativity proves to be fertile ground,
before the 13 finish their training and are released into the jungle of
the advertising industry.
