evil plot hatched in central london
Our chums at Dye Holloway Murray splashed out on a double page spread in Campaign today. It says:
"Dye Holloway Murray more centrally located than Wieden's
"We love the East End, it's really cool. But if you're a client who can't be arsed to schlep all that way, give Jorian a call to arrange for tea and a chat at our offices just behind Carnaby Street."
Well, it's very flattering to be referenced like this. And it's true; their offices are near Carnaby Street. Look:
While ours are over in Spitalfields, here:
3.8 miles away, apparently:
Now, those 3.8 miles aren't going to make much of a difference to most clients these days. If I think about ours, Nokia are in Helsinki, Honda are in Slough, Arla Foods are in Leeds, Nestea are in Zurich, The Guardian are over our way in Kings Cross and Visit Wales are in, er, Wales. Are there any clients actually left worth having in central London?
Er, hang on, yes. There's Nike. So, this must be a blatant bid by DHM to nick our Nike business. Damn them and their evil plotting!