From Bertrum and his merry band of milk pilfering polydactyl cats to miniature milk loving pirates, our campaigns for Cravandale have attracted a faithful following over the years for being just a little bit “out there”.  

We’re hoping to surprise and delight fans with our new ‘Barry the Biscuit Boy’ campaign, which launched this weekend. The integrated campaign kicked off on Saturday with a 30” TV spot celebrating the irresistibly delicious flavor of Cravendale’s ‘filtered to be marvellous’ milk, cementing its reputation as the brand for serious milk lovers and appealing to Cravendale’s core family audience. 


Inspired by fables of old, the ad takes Cravendale’s milk-related musings in a deliciously dark new direction, with the twisted tale of Barry the biscuit boy and his near fatal attraction to the cool charms of a refreshing lake of Cravendale. 

Barry and his milky world were brought to life by Blink Ink directors Andy Huang and Joe Mann with veteran puppeteers Johnny and Will, creating a world that felt like nothing we’d seen before. Mixing puppetry, stop-motion and CGI, we were able to marry visually striking modern techniques with the warmth of old-school charm.

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The campaign is aimed at milk lovers, positioning Cravendale as the ultimate dunking partner. Alongside the TV and print executions, the campaign will be supported by social media activity featuring our very own social media baker, with baker extraordinaire Fancy Nancy engaging with Cravendale fans and creating edible masterpieces in response to cultural moments. The results will be shared on Cravendale’s social channels at and as the campaign unfolds – watch this space!

A big thank you to everyone involved in bringing Barry to life. Go pour yourself a cool glass of Cravendale and dunk away, but heed Barry’s warning: don’t dunk too long.