meet asimo
Wieden + Kennedy London’s new Honda campaign breaks this week. It features the Honda robot Asimo (A Study In MObility).
Asimo is the result of Honda R&D’s continuing exploration of new concepts in mobility. Honda has developed the capabilities of Asimo for the past 20 years and the robot – which walks on two legs like a human – is now considered the embodiment of the spirit of technological innovation at Honda.
The objective of the campaign is to communicate Honda’s distinctive approach to technology, which is curious, approachable, warm and engaging. Very different from the Teutonic, cold approach to technology for technology’s sake that we see from most car companies.
The short films will be available to view on over the course of this week. They’ll also be available for download from iTunes.
Here’s the first short film:
The main TV spot breaks on Friday night.
You can read more about the Campaign on Media Guardian here.