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Cheryl’s Walk
Cheryl Rogers. Wieden + Kennedy stalwart, unstoppable ball of creative energy, game for a laugh, optimist extraordinaire. Hard to describe how much we continue to miss her since she passed away from cancer in January 2014
Each May, we stroll 10k around the East End in Cheryl’s name. We put on the brightest of t-shirts, take the afternoon off and spend time together as an agency doing something Cheryl would love; it feels like a fitting way to remember our friend.
Every penny we raise through the walk goes straight to St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney where Cheryl was so brilliantly cared for. Each day it costs £41,000 to keep St Joseph’s going, that’s nearly a whopping £15million a year. We’re incredibly proud to raise money to help the work they do for our community in Cheryl’s memory.
The t-shirt colours may change every year, but our smiles don’t. We always walk with a spring in our step trying to ‘Be More Cheryl’.